We hit 60K!! What language do you want Mandelbrot Hall's pilot dubbed in?
7 months ago
– Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 04:08:38 PM
WE JUST HIT 60K! Our final stream doesn't even start for another half hour!
First of all, HOLY COW thank you!! I can't believe we hit a stretch goal :D and you know what that means...
The Mandelbrot Hall pilot will have an official dub in one other language of your choice!!
Voting is open to backers only, and the poll closes ONE WEEK from today. We did our best to include every language suggested by you guys, plus the top languages from our viewer demographics. If you don't see the language you want, comment it below and let others like/reply to count as their vote!
See you on stream soon, FLIMP ON!!!!
The Mandelbrot Hall pilot will have an official dub in one other language of your choice!!
Voting is open to backers only, and the poll closes ONE WEEK from today. We did our best to include every language suggested by you guys, plus the top languages from our viewer demographics. If you don't see the language you want, comment it below and let others like/reply to count as their vote!
See you on stream soon, FLIMP ON!!!!